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I have been reading Michael Moore’s book, Dude, Where’s My Country? I haven’t seen Farenheit 9/11, but the content seems to be similar to the movie. Along with the movie, this book is kind of like the second in a trilogy of releases about Bush (Stupid White Men being the first).

The first two chapters of the book asks some hard questions about how Bush and his family is connected with 9/11 as well as his and his administration’s actions during the second Iraq war. Moore continues by talking about American society’s reliance on oil and the unsubstantiated fear the word terrorist brings to the public. He then shows how the government and corporations, but really rich people, use this fear to gain control over you. Now having shown that American society is all fucked up, Moore tells you that you are not alone, infact most Americans are liberal rather than conservative, and outlines way in which you can induce change in society and fellow voters. The goal being to sway the voters in the 2004 election to vote for the Democrats and change the ruling party. Of course we know how that turned out.

When I originally read the Amazon review, I was surprised that the reviewer mentioned that the book “avoids being completely one-sided, offering up areas where Moore believes Republicans get it right”. Actually, I couldn’t find a single claim that supported the reviewer’s point! Rather there was a (half-serious) list of things that the left got wrong. Maybe he was trying to get Conservatives to read it too. Who knows.!

Unsurprisingly, this book is like preaching to the choir. I don’t support what Bush has done and have already read many of the arguments previously. It was nice however, to have it all collected into one source of hatred. So if you want some bobble-head action about what Bush is doing wrong, then read this book.