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Tag Archives: working

I’d say that March split itself into two parts – the first part, during the first two weeks of the month was when I was wrapping up things at my old job. There wasn’t too much to do then as we weren’t in the middle of a crunch time, so I spent the first week finishing up the work that I was doing, and the second week doing a lot of knowledge transfer and the usual good bye things.

Immediately the next Monday (Sunday actually), I flew down to NYC and started with my new team down there. We have a temporary office at WeWork until our own location has completed its build, and this temporary location is actually pretty nice. There are lots of (smallish) offices with no real walls – everything is glass. But the desk are a nice contemporary wood – kind of what you would find at Crate & Barrel.

It was also around this time that things started to get warm(er). The temperature hovered around 0°C and I was actually able to walk around NYC a bit after work hours (didn’t get a chance to catch any shows though). Through the last week things started feeling like Spring, and the snow is almost all gone here in Toronto!

Good Friday/Easter came early this year, right at the end of March. Unfortunately for me, Good Friday is not a statutory holiday in the US so I worked through it – although now that I work from home, it’s not too bad. We did end up going to Buffalo on the Easter Saturday (yet another trip to the US) though.