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Tag Archives: windmobile

It’s a bit odd to think about your next meal when you’re eating a buffet but that’s kind of the position I’m in. I have all the minutes that I can consume on my cellphone, but I’m already thinking about how to run away from Rogers.

What has spurred me lately to think about showing my customer disloyalty is my lack of a data plan. It makes playing Foursquare quite difficult! The problem is that there is nowhere I can turn to because Rogers/Fido/Bell/Telus all want your firstborn for data access (at least 3 yrs worth). I kind of like paying only $20 a month (or at least less than $60).

I’ve been waiting for WIND mobile to pick up its game. When they launched, they had an unlimited data addon for +$35, which is a bit too expensive, and a Social Blackberry plan for +$10, which only supports a few apps and is thus crippled. Today the game changed because WIND announced a new tier for their data addons. For +$20 you can get 500mb of data, which is plenty (maybe even the +$10 for 50mb is enough).

So I’ve already decided, that my next phone plan will be the $15 Chat + $20 Data for a grand total of $39.55 a month which includes enough minutes and text for me. My current phone has been good to me, but it doesn’t support WIND’s frequencies so I will probably get a BB as well. Now I just need to use up the remaining $60+ in my PayGo, which should take about 2 years. Hopefully that will give WIND the time to get their network in order in Toronto.