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Tag Archives: windmobile

I am finally free from Rogers (Wireless)! After testing out the WIND network for a week, it seemed to work in the areas I frequent. I could get service from my desk at work, it works in North York pretty well, and I get excellent service around Square One (although I’m not going to be here for much longer).

I went into another WIND store this weekend to port my Rogers number in. I gave up about $11 from my Rogers Pay-As-You-Go account, but I’m OK with it! WIND has a dumb procedure where you can’t just port your number in, you have to get an entirely new SIM card. Their policy is also that you have to pay $10 for a SIM card. Lucky for me, the person helping me lied to their manager and said that I just bought the phone from him a few weeks ago. I guess the policy is that if you’ve bought the phone within 2 weeks, you can get another SIM card for free.

After a bit of work, where my account and plan had to be recreated, the port was scheduled for an hour later. The hour passed and it worked! Now I don’t have to carry two phones around with me anymore.