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Tag Archives: weddingplanning

We went to get our marriage license before work this morning. There is apparently a time limit on the license (so you can’t have second thoughts) which prevented us from getting it earlier. The process is pretty simple; you specify your and your parents’ information, whether you have been previously married, and whether you follow any religion. You verify your identity, pay your fee and you’re all ready to be married.

We saw another couple while we were there and they didn’t seem as prepared as we were. They did bring their passports and had filled out the marriage license application, but then the clerk asked them whether they had a chapel or not (they didn’t) and asked them about an officiant (a who??). They seemed really young, maybe 16 or 17 (but I’m not the greatest at judging ages) and decided to book the chapel for the coming Friday at 5PM! I wonder if they also bought a wedding planning kit at Walmart??