I spent some time this weekend on my new year resolution of divesting myself of stuff. Believe it or not, there are still boxes in the corner of my room that I brought back from Waterloo almost two years ago! So I was able to make some progress by throwing away that junk.
But the bulk of the work involved archiving some of my belongings and preparing (boxing) some other stuff since I am going to move out soon. Just like the clothes I threw out, I have a lot of random knick-knacks with sentimental memories that I keep around. But these things aren’t thrown out, and live packed in boxes which I guess I will pile up in my parents’ attic when I move (although they don’t have an attic).
I archive a lot of stuff in boxes, and blame my anti-pack rat characteristics on my Waterloo days; I only packed the things that I needed in my 4 month stay, so no CDs, and only some clothes etc. I’m still thinking with this suitcase+ mentality and want only move my computer. I have to get into the mindset that everything has to move and that I’m actually leaving the nest for good.