In Urban Dead, I’m playing a medic. The more I play, the more I realize that this is probably a bad character to start off as. The medic role is part of the military but they suck at shooting people (which is why they’re a medic!) so you have to rely on healing people to gain experience. The special skill you do get as a medic is that whenever you use a first aid kit (FAK), you heal 10 hit points instead of 5 hit points. It’s actually counter productive for me because whether you heal 5 or 10 HP, you gain the same amount of XP; so if I didn’t have this skill, I could make twice the amount of experience by healing the same amount of HP.
Of course that doesn’t go into the fact that searching for FAKs is random and the 20%-25% chance of finding one on each search is a pain in the ass.