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This April, I spent a great deal of time cleaning up around the house. When we moved, we had a lot of boxes that we left in our spare bedroom, and I started going through them and finding places for their contents. This meant that we had huge garbage and recycling days! We also have been having gnat problems in our house due to somehow attracting them into our plants, which I solved by putting a layer of sand on top of the soil on all our plants. I packed away my Rock Band stuff, which I haven’t played in probably a year (and probably won’t again – what do I do with all of these plastic instruments). In fact, I probably haven’t played XBox360 in a few months (but it works well as a media center)!

We started the month with an early Easter, and we went to Chicago with a group of our friends. I haven’t blogged a lot about it because we didn’t do anything particularly exciting, but it’s fun as it is like spending a night out with friends which lasts 96 hours! After we got back from our trip, we returned to winter weather as the temperature plummeted from the 20°Cs we were seeing down to near freezing. Here’s hoping that Spring comes (again) in May.

I’ve been watching a little bit more TV this month as well. I caught the Saturday Night Fever/Disco Glee tribute episode and have been watching more of How I Met Your Mother and 30 Rock. When I started watching 30 Rock, it was a bit odd; but it is better now – I guess it’s an acquired taste.