I started watching a new TV series this season, something that isn’t science fiction either (I know, I’m impressed at myself too). I first heard about Pushing Daisies when its original director was asked to stop directing because the Pie-lette (pilot) went way over budget. It has since received a lot of critical acclaim, although I’m not sure why, maybe it’s another one of those nerds-taking-over-the-world things.
The premise is odd. It’s about a professional pie maker who has the ability to raise anything from the dead by touching it (and not in an evil, zombie way). The caveat to this ability is if he touches that thing again, they die forever. The second caveat is that if he doesn’t touch whatever he raised within a minute, thermodynamic laws kick in and something else dies to replace it. He then uses his ability to solve mysteries and claim rewards, which seems great, until he resurrects the girl he had a crush on in childhood.
So the idea is a bit weird, but then I read comic books, so it can’t be that off beat right? Well the writing is also unconventional. It’s straight out of English class; there are soliloquies and alliteration everywhere. The sets seem like they come out of children’s book (see over-budget note from above), and the characters don’t act so much like cool people, but how your slightly-socially-awkward friends might (well if they had a super reverse-death power). Pushing Daisies is eccentric but cute and interesting, so I’ve added it to my TV list.