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The Writers Guild of America strike has been going on since October, which is an incredibly long time for one of America’s favorite past times, but aside from the the recent news of the Golden Globes’ cancellation (due to the Screen Actor Guild’s support of the writers — not the actual strike), there hasn’t been a lot of movement. And even that was just duly reported.

I am shocked at the ambivalent attitude to this strike. I’m not significantly affected because the sci-fi shows that I follow started and finished their seasons early, while the only mainstream shows I watch are Smallville and Pushing Daisies. I’m thankful that there is a writers strike so I don’t have to watch any more Smallville stupidity. I am intrigued, however, as to why the American public haven’t caused a ruckus about losing one of their national past times. The closest comparison would be when Baseball went on strike, but even then you could watch other sports.

I wonder what people are doing instead? Is the DVD industry sky rocketing? Or are people reading books now? Maybe people are going outside and socializing!