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I’ve been watching Battlestar Galactica season 4 now that the Hollywood Writers’ strike is over. After avidly following the series for the first two seasons, I was somewhat disappointed with the third season as there were several throw-away episodes. But the end of the season 3 brought about another dramatic plot twist and has made the start of season 4 pretty interesting. Either that or my quality meter has been severely depressed by Smallville.

I also saw a very neat episode of Stargate Atlantis this week. The premise was that Sheppard and McKay had found an Ancient game similar to Civilization on the Atlantian computers, and had been playing it in their spare time. They then came upon a planet where it turns out that their actions were being carried out in real life, the results sent back to their screens via satellites, and they were considered oracles! A very neat, meta-, and geeky episode all in all!

While I don’t enjoy Atlantis as much as the original Stargate (the writing is not as funny), they do try and please their geeky audience. There was another episode this season where they had an entire conversation about World of Warcraft (the chick had to distract the nerdy scientist you see, while her conspirator gained access to a restricted system).