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Last week, I was over at the local Rogers TV station after work because Pauline was getting interviewed for the local high school sports show. Her badminton team won the local trophy and two students from her team had to fight for #1, which made for an intruing storyline I suppose.

I had a chance to watch in the control room as they were filming and it was an interesting experience. It wasn’t live, but it seemed like they wanted to get through as quick as possible. There was one time when the host asked a question twice, the producer yelled stop, rolled back the tape to an earlier point and continued recording. There were multiple cameras rolling at once, and I guess they pick the best one (i.e., close up when someone was answering a question). What you don’t see on TV is the host fidgeting with his ear piece when the interviewee is answering a question.

Because her badminton team did well, Pauline is off to balmy Sudbury for OFSAA for the rest of this week. That means I need to try not to burn down the house!