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I originally wanted to write one grand blog recapping this decade. That failed because I ended up waxing philosophically about my life and technology. Here is a new, simpler try; a list of things that I felt were monumental in this decade (in somewhat chronlogical order):

  1. 9/11 (wherewereyoumoment? just starting work at my coop)
  2. A lot of Warcraft and DOTA
  3. Bomber nights at UW
  4. Google Maps and driving directions
  5. Wikipedia
  6. Starting listening to “indie rock” (later known as post-punk revival)
  7. The iPod yelled NOOB!! and fragged the discman. It’s teammate the digital download started owning the CD as well.
  8. I stopped watching TV (real and eventually the downloaded variety).
  9. Celebrity minutia became popular, driven by reality TV “stars” and stars-for-no-reason (Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian)
  10. Everything in this decade was made from China
  11. I would argue that there is now a greater fear of super bugs (SARS, H1N1) and transmittable diseases.
  12. “Music stores” either closed up or became “Media stores”, selling DVDs and video games
  13. The cellphone replaced the watch for many people
  14. Al Gore and the environmentalism movement
  15. Gas prices were up to 130¢/L at one point…
  16. American Idol et al were the top TV shows of the decade. Instead of writing scripts to mirror reality, they filmed reality and scripted it.
  17. Got engaged, planned wedding, got married
  18. First US black president (bonus: with a name so close to Osama)
  19. Blogging my life here.

Unfortunately, this list was still difficult to write because I can’t fit a decade in my head at one time. I’m sure there are things that I missed but I guess I will update if I think of anything important (and get around to updating…)