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One worry I had moving to where we are now is that our OTA TV wouldn’t be as great as it was previously. Before we got a great number of stations: NBC, CBS, CW, CTV, Global, City, Omni2, CHCH, SunTV and a couple of ones I can’t remember now. We were lucky because we had a window that faced partially east to the CN Tower, and partially south to get the US stations.

Now, we’re almost directly north of the CN Tower and facing east. I fully expected that we couldn’t get any channel (except maybe CTV which broadcasts from McCowan/401). Well we do get some! We still get CBC, CBC (french), CTV, Global and Omni2. The important one is CBC really because then I can watch uncompressed full HD hockey! CTV and Global are bonus which means we can catch up on our sitcoms and dramas too.