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Tag Archives: tv

This month I started playing and thinking about Android games. I suppose it’s mainly because I’m tired of XBOX360 games. I ended up getting and completing Plants vs Zombies (free from Amazon) and Game Dev Story (~$2.50).

Around the house, we spent some time “gardening”. I use the term loosely because we haven’t dug up our backyard and instead of a bunch of plastic pots and planters from Dollarama. We have a variety of plants, although many of them are struggling. We also started watching Glee from the beginning. It’s good, but I think that there is such a thing as too-much-Glee and it begins losing its edge.

There hasn’t been much summer (or even late Spring) weather this month. I think the hottest this year was when we went to Washington DC in May! This month has been quite manageable, with weather in the mid-20s and even some heavy rain (and hail). Because the weather wasn’t too hot, we were able to spend some time riding our bikes. We had trips from Union to the end of Tommy Thompson park and back, and from Edward Gardens down to Queen and back.

I also spent a lot of time this month on the phone with Bell. We don’t have any Bell services, but because of the discontinuation of the analog signal, my parents had to convert their existing Bell TV to IPTV. It was a long struggle, first to negotiate a good package, and then to get Bell to fulfill the existing service until the transfer date, and then do the actual installation. Do you know that in order to receive TV service from Bell, you need to subscribe to their Internet as well? That’s a very unfair business practice, and we had to cancel the cheaper and better TekSavvy in order to get this to work.

I didn’t blog as much as I thought I should have this month. Mostly because there were a lot of little things that I didn’t feel warrant a blog post – although I think I captured them well in this recap!