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Tag Archives: ttc

September started with labour action between the teachers and the Ontario government and the NHL vs the NHLPA. Neither of those were resolved yet, although several other labour disputes were (auto workers, NFL refs). The Ontario government seems to have cutbacks across its public servants in its sights and are taking a firm stand against the teachers to start.

I ended up using tokens (& my PRESTO card) instead of buying a Metropass this month and bought a 50 roll this month ($130). A few days later, the TTC decided and announced that they would raise fares 5¢ starting in January. Thought about buying a second roll before the run on tokens started, but that’s a lot of investment!

After a hot summer, September arrived with a blast of cold weather. It suddenly got cool enough that a jacket was necessary in the morning, and I even saw people wearing their winter jackets (no Canada Goose yet though, only UGGs) by the end of the month! As the weather got cold, we did some more yard work to try and get rid of weeds, etc; but I am starting to think that this is a lost cause.

I was a bit disappointed this month that Amazon MP3s haven’t had a lot of promotions. The feeling started in August, but it really sunk in in September. Guess the summer of freebies was just for the summer!