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The prediction from Weather Canada was that Winter would bleed into the first 2 weeks of March (even though the groundhog said it would be an early Spring) and then suddenly the temperatures would jump up. Well in my mind, Winter felt done at the beginning of March and it was just clinging on for dear life. There weren’t anymore snow falls, but the temperature was still below freezing for awhile before warming up.

We moved the clocks ahead this month. Every time this happens, there are complaints and reports about how daylight savings time is bad and we should get rid of it. But for us, it works really well. Sun comes up right when the kids have to wake up for school, lasts through the entire day, and dusk is when they have to go to sleep.

I went down to the Bay Area for a few days at the start of the month. I don’t end up going there as often as I should, but this time I had some time to catch up with a few friends. I also took an Air Canada 737 Max 8 down, and marveled at the new entertainment system Air Canada had on it. Of course, later in the month the 737 Max 8s were grounded across the world.

This month was pretty light with weekends mostly free as kids were in-between extra-curricular activity terms. March break had them in camps so nothing out of the ordinary there either.