The last few years has seen the return of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’ as an anthem. Some attribute it to being played on The Sorpranos, or maybe it was the dance version they started playing on the radio, or maybe it was a Rock Band effect. In any case, it has been a huge and recognizable hit in the last few years and is the hook to get you see Rock of Ages.
Rock of Ages is a musical featuring rock music from the 80s. The story is about a small town girl and a city boy born in Detroit. Basically the lyrics to DSB. It’s a love story set in LA where both of them try to make it big, but of course there is adversity that prevents them from being together or being successful. The draw is for the audience to hear the music of their younger years as part of the story (instead of custom pieces like other theatre shows).
I think I was a little too young as I didn’t recognize a lot of the music (and it doesn’t help that I didn’t really listen to rock). But the show was still lively, exciting and funny. The plot is easily understandable but not really that complex, so it is not as engrossing or heart-tugging as Les Miserables. In fact, I think the plot threads are too quickly and neatly tied up at the end. But Don’t Stop Believin’ at the very end more than makes up for it and leaves you in a good mood for the rest of the night.