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A few weeks ago, I happened on some news that said that there was a voluntary recall on the Fitbit Force. It turns out that retailers had stopped selling the Force as well too. I have a Force so I was curious why this was happening, and it was quite easy to find out. Basically, 1.7% of people reported skin irritation (although the number might be higher as not everyone reports problems). I didn’t get the problem and was debating whether to return it.

In the end I figure I will return it (still waiting for my return kit). Although it’s an interesting toy, and it’s interesting to know my activity and sleep patterns; I am not enamoured enough with it that I desperately need it. It’s not every day that you can try out a product and then return it for a full refund, so that in itself is a solid reason (and I can put the money towards the next model).

Wearing a Fitbit also bothers me a bit because now that it is on my wrist, I can’t wear a watch! In fact I was dreaming of a better FitBit device which would latch on the frame of your glasses. It would be unobtrusive and would go where ever you go (I guess it wouldn’t track sleep that well).

I think the person who will miss my Force the most is Apollo, he loves being able to turn the OLED on and watching it animate off.