Do people like, still blog?

Tag Archives: tagging

i’ve made a couple of small pages on orangefever and never got around to linking to them. one is a tag cloud for the tags on my blogs. what are tag clouds? well it’s just a listing of all my tags with the font size based on how often i write a blog that’s associated with a particular tag. you can pretty much see that what i blog about most.

i’ve also made a list of top 5 or top 10 or top 20 photos that people view (only pictures i’ve taken not the albums i host). although this is kind of a self fulfilling prophecy since people will click on these links and view those photos and thereby making them even more popular and keeping them on the list. come to think of it, that’s how mainstream music works.

lastly, i made this thing which i don’t really know how to describe. so in first year, we all took pictures and each received a copy of everyone’s pictures so we can associate their names to faces. anyways, someone (rishi?) scanned them in previously and i got a copy of it from richard and put them all together on a page. you’re supposed to upload current pictures of yourself so everyone can see how the last 5 years have changed ya. you can also add “most likely to…” things for everyone which i don’t think anyone’s done yet. anyways, i don’t know if this will take off, but pass it around.