Do people like, still blog?

Tag Archives: stc

I’ve always believed that staying in touch is a two way process. If one person doesn’t put in the effort, then the other person’s attempt to maintain a relationship is like a parent trying to get through to a teenager. Since I didn’t want to regress back to being a teenager, when my friend from high school, Tony, got in touch with me last week wanting to get some of the high school folks together for one last time; I accepted and helped gather some of the usual suspects together.

We met for dinner last night at Milestones at the Scarborough Town Centre. The last time I’ve been to this place (Milestones, not STC — although that’s been awhile too) was when ZMP had his bday bash there (also blogged on ZMP). There were 9 of us: Peter, Rachel, Matt, Tony, Dan, King, Mezan (ack hope sp is right, I don’t know this guy very well), Pauline & me. I haven’t seen Tony, Dan or Mezan in 7 years, King in 6! That’s a crazy long time, but I could have picked them out off the street because they still look like they did in high school.

This was the second time we’ve done a farewell party at STC, a couple of years ago we did one for Andrew Shin at the Jack Astor’s across the street for when he was going off to Med school. I don’t really have a recollection of that day aside from the RC cars being raced in the parking lot, and running into Kevin Hwee & Yvonne, Danny Lem, and maybe ZMP. Good thing I blog more consistently now.

Some interesting bits:

  • When I do stuff with my college buddies, we always pay by credit card, but everyone at the table yesterday paid by cash except for me! Maybe it’s one of those Waterloo things.
  • Tony, King & Dan were late, so the rest of us were able to chat for awhile. One of the things that came up was that no one really knew (well I did) that the reason we got together was because Tony was being transferred to New York. Wha…
  • Other random news: Matt quit drinking, Rachel’s moving out, Dan’s finally no longer working for his sweat shop.
  • It’s one thing to see people again, but it’s another to really get into the groove with them again. Because I haven’t seen some of these guys in so long, I don’t know what’s going on with them or even what they’re like anymore. It’s a case of friends drifting away.