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Tag Archives: socialnetworking

I usually have Space running on my TV as a sort of ambient noise. There are a variety of shows that run from mildly interesting to shows that I enjoy, such as: Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: Voyager, Enterprise, Andromeda, Stargate SG-1, and Alias. All of these shows are syndicated so in the 9 months or so that I’ve been doing this, I’ve pretty much seen all the episodes of all of these shows.

Now, I think some of these shows are really great, and I put them on those lists of favorite TV shows that invariably are included within user profiles. But, when the shows come on TV now, I typically do something else or turn the TV off. Why? because I’ve already seen everything! So are they still considered a favorite when I treat them like I would a show that I don’t like?

I think they can solve this problem by asking the question: What TV shows do you currently watch? and not What are your favorite TV shows?