i hear a lot of good stuff about smallville (well mainly kristen kreuk) so i’ve started watching it off and on last season. anyways, i didn’t catch the end of the season due to school but i figured what the hey, i’ll just start watching season 4. so i did, and boy is it ever stupid. there are all these cheesy chick moments that are just so dumb dumb dumb dumb. also being a comic fan, i take objection to the fact that they’re screwing up the continuity by introducing lois. not to say the entire show is bad, i think the luthors and the kent family are nicely portrayed and written, but the rest seem like 90210 characters thrown into buffy scenarios without the sharp humor the joss whedon had. while the series had promise in the first few seasons, it’s now really just dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.
i can’t decide if i’m going to keep watching this season?