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I keep waiting for the episode where Superman wakes up and we find out that the last 2 and a half seasons were all a dream. If you haven’t watched the last few episodes concluding with the end of the senate race, then you should probably avoid the spoilers in this blog.

Originally, Smallville was pretty good at observing the continuity of Superman. There actually was a Lana Lang and a Pete Ross (although he was supposed to be a white guy but I guess you need a token black guy). Then came Lois Lane. She’s not supposed to know Clark until he becomes a reporter at the Daily Planet. So this really screwed everything up including the future Superman movies and Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

Fine so they rewrote a little bit of the canon, it’s not too bad yet. Until the last few episodes that is, where they’ve decided to kill off Jonathan Kent, Clark’s father. Let me let you in on a little secret, this never and can’t happened. How would you explain his appearence in the future?

Anyways, I can see only two ways out of this. He remains dead which means that Smallville only cares about itself and not the grand scheme of things, or he is magically resurrected (and exchanged for Chloe’s life). If the latter happens, all I can say that this is a stupid show, oh wait I’ve mentioned that already.

Aside: This season everyone went off the college so it was a perfect opportunity to introduce new characters, but they did the boring thing and kept around the same Scooby Doo gang who gained magical powers to travel to Metropolis and back really quickly.