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today, i went down to the seattle art museum to check out their new noguchi exhibit. i don’t know anything about art, much less furniture design or whatever noguchi is famous for, but whatever i had never been to the SAM so this was a good opportunity. i also found out that between my student id and my work badge, the SAM only costs $2!

this is the major cultural display in seattle for the summer, so i’m glad that i had a chance to view it. i wasn’t overly impressed, but at least now i know where ikea and club monaco found its inspiration for their bamboo and paper lights. i also had a chance to make my own lantern from popsicle sticks, glue and tissue paper. err that didn’t out too well, maybe i’ll post up the pic at some point.

i can understand why they call this an “art museum” rather than an art gallery. there were a lot of historical item which i felt should have belonged in a museum. i also found the overall experience to be somewhat small. maybe because i’m used to larger exhibits in toronto. this should be fixed soon now that they’re building a huge extension to the SAM.

one of the highlights of the trip was transformed by fire. they had some amazingly crafted glass structures. unfortunately they didn’t allow any photography so i can’t show you. it looks like i just caught the exhibit before it finished its run too!