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Tag Archives: seattle

so i’m leaving for seattle shortly. i’m still undecided whether going to seattle was a good idea or not, but it’s too late to think about that isn’t it? it’s going to be a lot of work actually living away from home for the first time; i can’t go back to toronto whenever i feel like it anymore. but i’m enthusiastic about seeing what seattle’s gonna be like (their new library looks awesome and i’ll have some pictures up accordingly). anyways, i probably won’t have internet at home for awhile but can probably check here or email at work if anyone needs to reach me.

as many of you may know i’m not a pack rat and travel light, but i’m pleasently surprised that i won’t have to bring too much down with me. as my friend said, he lives on one suitcase all the time since he’s always away from home; so that’s what i’m aiming for, although i’ve fallen short of that. actually, in a way i’m kind of disappointed that i have more than one suitcase; you would think this nomadic lifestyle that i have going for me that last couple of years would have made me less dependant on all this junk. anyways, the good thing is that i will have money incoming unlike during school so i can not bring stuff and just buy whatever i need.

i don’t know why i post so many krispy kreme links on here but this link about kk giving out free donughts to “A” students is too funny to pass up. did you know, if you add one more k to krispy kreme they become the kkk?