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on sunday i went with a bunch of interns to snoqualmie falls. they say that it’s as tall as niagara falls but it is much thinner. hell, i’ve been to niagara how many million times now? but i had nothing else to do and it sounded like a good trip so i decided to go.

i was really surprised that the trip there was so short, they said 30 miles so i guess it made sense. anyways, i had expected hiking and what not to reach the falls but it was actually a tourist attraction. i had a chance to take pictures at the top of the falls as well as down lower by the bottom of the falls. at the bottom of the falls there’s an observation deck, but most people just climbed over the railing and climbed down to the rocks below. of course being the adventurous, invincible young kids we were, we decided to climb down and get up close and personal with the falls.

it was an amazing sight up close. i was able to take some decent pictures from far away, so walking closer didn’t really help my photography. in fact it was a problem because i kept getting droplets of water on my lens. some of the more crazier interns decided to go for a dip in front of the waterfall. it was entertaining for me because i got to stay warm and dry.