Do people like, still blog?

Tag Archives: seattle

it would be great if i had some sort of shared workspace over the web for my blog ideas and bookmarks; right now my stopgap solution is to email partial blogs and urls from work if i want to use them at home, but if i forget stuff at home, i can’t really do anything at work.

people generally spend their disposible income on: cars, houses, tobacco, music, alcohol, shoes, clothes, electronic gadgets, collectables, dvds/movies, games, or dining. i think my big two are music and gadgets, although i don’t really spend *that* much money on CDs, i just seem to be blogging a lot about it recently. i guess gadgets are the killer. hey speaking of which, nintendo DS is coming out in november maybe i should pick one up before i leave.

exchange rate SUCKS, it’s almost at $1CDN == $0.8USD. maybe kerry will win the election and i’ll have money to spend in canada.

i pay $25 for rent but $375 for my car+insurance each month. i think that’s a little messed up. at least gas < utilities (well for the time being, check point above). blogs to check out: ryan‘s posting again, and rishi‘s posting almost everyday about his adventures in europe. it’s good that people are posting everyday so i’ll have stuff to read at work 😉 someone’s gotta get these other people who have stale blogs posting again (looking at you nelson, edmond, barry).

mount st helens‘s about to blow up. it’s in washington state approximately 3 hours away from seattle. sounds like a decent distance for a road trip right? i don’t think this one’s gonna be as big as the last one, it’ll be kinda like that one i saw the fire lord pull off in warcraft last night. trivia: before the big eruption in 1980, it used to be called the mount fuji of america because it was very symmetrical.

working on some big stuff with dq. stay tuned.