this is a pre-emptive bid to have fewer people asking me if i’m going to work here full time once i graduate. here’s the quick answer: no.
there are many reasons for this but i think one of the deal breaking reasons is that i don’t know anyone here. when you’re at school you usually have tons of friends around so whenever you want to do stuff you can at least find some people to go with you. when you’ve picked up your roots and moved across the country, you won’t know anyone and even if you do, they won’t be on the same level as the friends you have back home. it’s a pretty traumatic experience when your social life evaporates.
i’ve seen this happening to new hires, but at least the company expects it and there are a lot of new hire socials so people can get out and meet people. but again, having acquaintences is different than actually having friends.
so yeah, i don’t see this happening unless i have 2 or 3 really good friends coming with me (rishi, chard looking at you guys).