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Tag Archives: rogers

I was free from Rogers earlier this month, but only the wireless part. I was still a Rogers customer because I use them for internet. Not by choice though, I HAVE to use Rogers because my building is exclusively wired by them.

But at the end of this month, I no longer live in this building, and I no longer need to subscribe to Rogers High Speed Internet. That means I’ll have no more services with Rogers. Yay!

Although, I did try and make a deal with Rogers to continue being their customer (I know, the shock and horror; why would I do such a thing?). I am thinking that I will use Teksavvy Cable for internet, and their price is about $37/mth. I wanted Rogers to give me a discount from their normal $47/mth. No dice though, they said Rogers offers superior reliability yadda yadda. So baring any other frustrating wiring issues, I should be free from Rogers!