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I end up deleting say 75% of the photos that I take of Pauline, not because she’s not beautiful or that I’m a bad photographer (Ok maybe 25% of the time I screw up), but because she always ends up blinking exactly when I take the picture. It’s uncanny, written into her X-gene like a mutant power. Although instead of being one of those useful talents like telekinesis, it’s a rather annoying skill.

I bring this up because there’s an article floating around the web about the optimal number of pictures to take so no one’s blinking. The researchers in Australia suggest that you should take the number of people in the group and divide by 2 or 3 (depending on the light). So for portraits, that would be half or a third of a shot? Not really reasonable — especially with Pauline’s latent abilities.

My solution is much simpler, now instead of the 1..2..3..*CLICK*, I do a 1..2.*CLICK*. Also the side effect is that I may get some weird candid shots. Although now that I have mentioned my secret online, I suppose I should do a 1..*CLICK* and mix it up a bit.