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Having played games without story arcs recently, I’ve felt the urge to play an RPG where I can build up a character. I considered Castle Crashers (not the same without Live), Mass Effect and Fable 2. Nelson offered to lend me Fable 2 so I’ve been playing that lately.

I kind of think of Fable 2 as an American (or UK) take on RPGs, because it’s a bit weird. The sequel has diverged even further from the original Fable by introducing all sorts of elements such as having kids and becoming a property magnate. In fact, I spend most of my time wandering around cities building up my empire than doing quests. Although I have to say that the side activities are much more fun than the side activities in other RPGs (card games etc), which is good because investing in real estate is basically mandatory.

In Fable 2, you can no longer grind for gold; because when you kill a bad guy, they only drop experience! You can do jobs for gold, or you can buy property and get rent. You get rent every five minutes even if your console is off (although it’s less). I’m at a point where I get > 10k gold every 5 minutes! But if you didn’t invest in real estate, I don’t know how you would be able to afford to upgrade your equipment.

Once you get past the various little things you can do, the game is rather short. They say it’s 100 hours long, but that must only be if you do every job. Repeatedly. It’s not like WoW where there are a million (pointless) quests to keep you going.