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Tag Archives: predictions

While I was writing my year-end recap for 2011, I realized that I kind of expect certain changes in 2012. So here’s my list of predictions:

  • Interest in travelling/exploring is starting to wane – we went to Europe several times last year and visiting cities is just not that new or interesting now. Planning the entire trip is starting to feel like a chore. I kind of want to just go somewhere with some friends and be spontaneous
  • I need to find a balance between purchasing power and disposable income – I am probably in the years of my life where I have the most disposable income (no need to save for down payment, no kids) and can afford a lot of things. Do I decide to pay premiums for certain brands (i.e., clothes, cars), or buy whatever I feel like (i.e., lots of tech toys, experiences)? and if I do decide to do this, how do I not “make it a habit” for when I have less disposable income (hi kids)?
  • Decide where I want to go with my career – I’ve just changed jobs into an entirely new industry. Will I stay in this industry? and if so do I pursue a technical or management path?
  • Will play (even) fewer games and try and learn more things – I’m not interested in sinking my time into games anymore, and do feel interested in learning about different things. But what will those things be? Languages? Hobbies? Reading?