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We met up with Nelson, Kitty and Richard for dinner on Friday evening, and after dinner we went to watch a movie. Pauline, Kitty and I still had not watched Star Trek (I’m not a geek anymore), but Richard and Nelson had already seen it; so we settled on Up in 3D.

I’m a bit oblivious to movies that nowadays, aside from the obvious ones (hi Star Trek!), and so had never heard of Up except for reading somewhere online that it was good. I didn’t even know it was a Pixar film until the opening short! Up is about a man who had a life long dream to settle in Paradise Falls with his wife, but time caught up to him and his wife died. Given the option of moving to a old-age home, he decides to go on a (last) adventure to Paradise Falls with his neighborhood boy scout Wilderness Explorer.

Like other Pixar (and Disney) movies, the story was very well written, with timely and touching music. It is (like always) a kids movie so there are scenes that not grounded firmly in real life, even though the beginning started with a serious, adult tone. Surprisingly, there were several “adult” issues that kids would be exposed to when watching this movie, such as death, single parents, and asian rolemodels.

We watched it in 3D which meant we were out $14.50 for a ticket. It wasn’t IMAX 3D, and although the movie was animated, only certain scenes in the movie were in 3D (but all the trailers were!). I don’t think the effect was worth the extra few bucks.

Overall I give Up 3.5 stars out of 5. I don’t think it was a great movie (i.e., 4 stars) because it’s kid-movie super nature forces it to jump through well-used hoops. But it’s better than your average movie because it has the Pixar polish.