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Tag Archives: photography

At Google I/O, Google announced that their photo service is evolving yet again from Google+ Photos to just Google Photos. Although I’m still using Picasa Web Albums, this was of interest to me because now they claimed that you can store unlimited photos up to 16MP in resolution (I don’t have any 16MP+ cameras). Is this a solution to my photo organization prayer?

In the past year, I had already uploaded, backed up and trusted my music to Google Music. So it’s not a stretch that I would take advantage of free unlimited photo backup from Google right? Well after perusing the service, I don’t think I’m going to use it for three main reasons:

  1. It doesn’t save the original file – that defeats the ability for it to be a backup
  2. I don’t think the interface will scale – I have a lot of folders/albums (100s? 1000s?) so I think the one long feed UI will be problematic. I would rather have a more hierarchical view so I can sort them by year
  3. Photos are more personal than music – While your music collection speaks something about you, it’s not nearly as personal as photos of your friends, family and life. I’m not quite ready to share all of that with Google in a structured manner

While I was hopeful that Google Photos would be a saviour, looks like I have to keep waiting for the perfect service.