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Tag Archives: pacmall

I was at Pacmall by myself the other day, and had to kill some time. I had visited Canada Computers too many times in the last month so I didn’t want to go there, so I decided to waste some time shopping for DVDs. Did you know that they’re down to 8 for $20 now?? It’s almost retarded not to buy 8 because the next increment is 3 for $10. Did I mention that that price included cases?

So I shopped around. At that price, the difficulty isn’t finding a good deal, it’s finding 8 movies that you wanted to watch. After a few stores, I eventually bought 8:

  • Hot Fuzz (on recommendations from Victor)
  • Pan’s Labyrinth (on recommendations from Aaron)
  • Knocked Up (on recommendations by ?? forgot who)
  • Captivity (wanted to see, but wouldn’t pay for theatre)
  • The Pursuit of Happyness [sic] (Pauline wanted to see this)
  • Children of Men
  • Letters from Iwo Jima (on recommendations from my friend Oscar)
  • The Fountain (wanted to see this because it’s an Afronofsky film)

So that’s a lot of movies! I still have in my backlog:

  • The Polar Express (Pauline wanted to see this)
  • Munich (again a recommendation by my friend Oscar)
  • Kung Fu Hustle (my DVD drives couldn’t read this, hopefully my new computer will have a better go at it)
  • Love Actually (Pauline said it was a good movie so I bought it)

I think I’ll get around to all these movies by 2010. That will be my New Year’s Resolution next year.