Do people like, still blog?

Tag Archives: orangefever

Ever since I moved my blog to WordPress, I’ve had a plan to change what you see when you go to Right now, you see my blog, but what I wanted is to have you see my lifestream when you first visit my page.

I installed Sweetcron awhile ago. You can use it to import feeds from a bunch of websites into a single feed. It’s like the Facebook news feed, you can have photos, videos, blogs, etc. It was exactly what I wanted, except that I didn’t like the themes available for it.

It’s been a few months since I installed it but I’ve finally gotten around to fixing it up and I’m ready to make it my front page. I think it’s an improvement, even though you have to click-through to my blog posts. But, my (online) life isn’t just my blog, it’s all the things I do on the web, and I think this is a better representation of me. Besides my RSS has been like this for like forever!