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After a busy February, March was not as hectic but it was still busy. Almost every weekend, we went by the builders as they were putting up our new place. We had to go through the design session where we picked the colours and materials for our kitchen, bathroom etc. The builders are working pretty quickly; by last week they already had all the floors constructed and the windows and doors put in. They wanted everyone to finish their design sessions before April because now they can start working on the interior!

With the construction progressing smoothly, that means our closing date is coming up soon! We’ve been packing gradually and accumulating boxes. To an extent that we don’t actually have much room to put boxes anymore. But because we have more than 60 days before actually closing, it is a bit of a drag because there is no rush to pack (but I don’t want to spend the last 2 weeks frantically packing).

The weekends when we weren’t doing this, we spent on vacation. We went off to Europe for almost 10 days during March Break and visited the Netherlands, Belgium and London. And in my other spare time I ended playing FF3 a lot. On my cellphone. Yes that’s right I’m that weird.