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Tag Archives: moving

This month started out with me in Atlantic City for Nelson’s bachelor party. I had planned to blog more, but there just wasn’t that much down time to sit around and tap into my phone (what with all the 4sq checking in that I had to do).

I came back to 30°C+ weather (40°C with humidex) and an AC system that was broken. It’s still broken now, although the temporary chiller is working better. The next two weeks were a rush because we had a lot of things to wrap up before moving to our new home on the 16th, such as calling Hydro, Rogers, insurance, etc. In the end, it was all for naught because we were delayed till the end of July and now into August.

Between our preparations to move and the heat, I didn’t blog a lot this month. I spent most of the evenings sitting in front of the TV and fan, but I did manage to pick up a new XBOX game in Wet.

There was a lot of sports news this month, I even wrote a separate recap blog about it! BP finally stopped the oil leak in the Gulf (I think, I haven’t been keeping track) and Starcraft2 landed (although I’m not playing it)