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Tag Archives: moving

It’s the end of August, and I’m finally blogging about what happened in July. Oops. I hope I have a good memory? July was basically busy busy busy. The first half was filled with moving my cruft into down to my car, driving across the city, and then moving stuff up. Rinse & repeat. When I was tired of that, I went down to Ikea and moved some pieces of wood into my car, drove back home, moved it upstairs, and then constructed it. Well that’s not entirely true, I have one piece of furniture that’s not from Ikea (yay!).

That took about 2 weeks. Then I spent the next two weeks striking off the items in my wedding planning list such as mixing the music and so forth. After that, I spent the last week driving around picking up relatives and doing that family stuff. Oh yeah, I also spent 1 weekend in Montreal, another Sat night at a hotel downtown and finished up my work to hand off to some people at work since I was going on v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n!

I think that adds up to about a month, I’m don’t recall what happened in the world though.