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Tag Archives: moving

Ah September, what a long month it was. I started it off by being a hermit since I was away vacationing for an entire month. Then I gradually fell into the pattern of going to work as Pauline’s school year started again. We also spent some time this month buying a dining table (yay for not being from Ikea), and completing our living room (well the TV wasn’t from Ikea). I emerged from my shell later in the month, and went to see Lang Lang at the TSO, the PDK Walk for Education, Teresa’s Wine & Cheese and Buffalo for Pauline’s birthday.

At work, things were busy for the first half as I picked up the work that people had been watching over for me while I was gone for the entire month. That is until my feature got deferred, again. At home, I was working through my wedding photos, then my photos from Japan, and then creating videos from Japan. I’m still writing blogs about Japan, and should be for awhile (unless I forget about it).

The big news this month was the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, bridge loan to AIG, bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, takeover of Merrill Lynch by BoA, liquidation of Washington Mutual to JP Morgan, failure of the tax payer bailout of the banks and overall market turmoil associated with these events. Whew that was a long sentence; like a train wreck of floats at the Santa Claus parade.