Last weekend, we spent the weekend in Montreal. There was no real reason to do so as it was just a random weekend in April, but we did it for a few reasons:
- We were discussing with some friends and decided it would be fun to go on a trip
- We wanted to practice/see what it is like travelling with Apollo
- We wanted to practice/see what it was like for Apollo to stay overnight away from home
- Montreal is relatively close enough to drive so we could bring a lot of extra baby things “just in case”
- Montreal is a place we’ve been to a couple of times before, so there weren’t anything that were must-sees and we weren’t stressed by an overwhelming schedule
- April is relatively warm so we would have the ability to walk around outside
The last point ended up being a bit contentious because on the Friday, Mother Nature decided to dump 15cm of snow and ice on Montreal! The temperature gradually increased throughout the day so a lot of it had melted by the time we reached Montreal at midnight, but there was still slush everywhere. The snow remained throughout Saturday as well (and it was kind of raining as well) and “warm” was relative – we still had our winter jackets (not parkas though). Sunday was pretty nice as the snow had melted and the sun was out.

Montreal “Spring”
We stayed at the Le Meridien Versailles in downtown Montreal because there was a great SPG points+cash deal ($45 and 2800 points). We ended up getting upgraded to a larger PH room, I think because they saw that we had a baby, and because there weren’t a lot of people in the hotel that weekend. In fact, in general there weren’t that many tourists in Montreal this weekend. We drove around between destinations (too far to walk) and it wasn’t a challenge to find parking.

Apollo’s new bed
Since we had been here before, we didn’t go to too many destinations. Aside from various restaurants, we visited Atwater Market, Old Montreal/Notre Dame, St Joseph’s Oratory and this big Orange thing.