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i went to a .net presentation last night. it was your typical brainwashing where microsoft tried to evangelize the crowd with the help of free food and software. It wasn’t anything new, but i was surprised at how one-sided all the presentations were. I did expect them to push their own products, but when they said that applications could be written with a combination of any number of languages (microsoft ones, perl, python, java, etc), yet did all the code demos in microsoft languages, it didn’t really seem like they were trying to prove their point. more so, it only seems to show that .net works with all microsoft languages. i also found it interesting that they made very few references to java (the most prominent being that one of the missionaries presenters used to use java but has since converted to c#), and never compared c# directly with java. they even said that c# was similar to c++ when they really should have said that it was similar to java. maybe they thought that there were no java programmers in the crowd?