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Tag Archives: memories

Sometimes I am embarrassed to consider photography a hobby, because honest to blog I don’t take great pictures. There’s too reason for this, one is a lackidasical attitude towards thinking with an artistic eye, and the second is because my end goal of taking pictures is so to have a record of what happened 50, 10, even one year from now.

To that end, I try and take a lot of photos, representative of my experiences; then I file them away and never look at them again. In the past, I’ve tried to go through my pictures yearly and pick out the photos that I felt are representative of the year. That works and doesn’t work. It’s hard to do because at the end of the year, I’ve accumulated thousands of photos and it’s a tiring task to have to sift through them. Secondly, it takes a bit of time before things sink in and you can look back and pick out the memorable moments of the year.

The last little while, I’ve been working my way through 2007. It’s a little tough because it hasn’t quite been long enough, at least for the events at the end of the year. What I hope to do once I finish 2007 is to build up a life poster from the five six year period between 2002-2007 (well I don’t have a lot of pictures from the early years) — something I’ve been trying to do for like 3 years.