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Tag Archives: itunes

sometimes, the itunes free single of the week is crappy but on occasion you get lucky and you actually like the track and you’re introduced to new music (which i guess is the point right?). anyways, recently i’ve been getting lucky and downloaded a couple of pretty good (at least 3 stars) songs:

the geeks get the girls (american hi-fi): hilarious and a fusion of mainstream+punk?

l-l-love (astaire): i think this is one of those next-stage-in-evolution adult contemporary genre type songs (nsie-ac?)

club foot (kasabian): i heard this track on smallville, and i was all like I KNOW THIS. cross marketing yo

back to me (kathleen edwards): another catchy nsie-ac

one evening (feist): apparently she’s canadian? another nsie-ac

walking with a ghost (tegan & sara): another canadian group which i got introduced to here

anyways, it seems to me that the free singles are either ones that will resonate with the young crowd who are into technology and watch like the oc, or they’re for older folks who have money to spend on digital music and don’t want to hear a lot of noise.