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Tag Archives: itunes

Lately, I have been more and more inclined to buying singles off iTunes. I guess this has been a natural progression since my teen days, when I had enough time to go through the bargain bins at various used CD stores around downtown to search for the CDs that I had on “my list”. Eventually that evolved to being more patient about getting the CDs I wanted and just rummaging through the bargain bins when I had the opportunity. Now, I don’t really have any CDs on my list so I just look for bargains.

But over this time, I’ve used iTunes more and more, specifically for downloading singles (for free!). The old-old-school me, before I started buying CDs, really only cared about singles. CDs usually only had one or two worthy songs. I had since shifted to appreciating albums, but there are still many times where I only care about singles. Now that summer is around the corner, and the radio stations are starting to play the summer bombs, I have this itching feeling to buy all the songs I like to hear on iTunes. Yay for disposable income!