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Tag Archives: ipod

I’m a bit late on the bandwagon, but I’ve been digging CSS lately. I had first seen the band tangentially on some blogs I read, and aside from the confusion between it and Cascading Style Sheets, I didn’t think about them until I downloaded Let’s Make Love and Listen From Death From Above from iTunes (free of course).

That track was decent, but I didn’t really start paying attention to them until their song was featured on the recent iPod Touch commercials (which in itself has a story as it was based off of a fan video). Music Is My Hot Hot Sex is one of those catchy songs that you just want to hear over and over again until you get tired of it (see previously Avril’s Girlfriend). Once that happens, you can move on to their CD, Cansei De Ser Sexy (Tired of Being Sexy) which also has a bunch of catchy lo-fi singles. Now if only they’ll tour to Toronto.