I got a free iPod shuffle last year. No, not this one, but one as part of the QIP celebration. It’s pretty ugly, being teal (they didn’t have navy blue iPods then) and having a customized message thanking us. I’ve recently upgraded it by getting a skin from Tego to affix over the back. Now it’s much prettier!
Tego sells glorified stickers which you can print with your own design (or use one of their pre-existing ones) that are shaped like your mp3 player, phone, or other electronic device. I suppose it could be popular with teens that worry a lot about image, and have a lot of disposible income; because printing a tiny sticker for my iPod shuffle cost $10! And that doesn’t even include shipping.
I wouldn’t have gotten a skin, if it wasn’t for a recent Rogers Thanks event. I didn’t win any of the big prizes, so I had to settle for 1) a free movie/game rental, 2) a 3 month subscription to a magazine, or 3) a Tego skin. But don’t think I’m singing praises to Rogers, because I wanted to design a skin for both the front and back of my iPod, and Rogers was adamant that they only finance one side.