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Today being Groundhog Day, I came to ponder a dumb little question this morning. So everyone knows the story, if the groundhog sees its shadow, then it scoots back into its hole and there’s 6 more weeks of Winter. Looking at the calendar, the official start of Spring, March 20th or so, is 6-7 weeks away from Groundhog day, so the groundhog will always, technically, be correct with that choice.

So what if, like today, he doesn’t see his shadow? How many more weeks of winter do we have? We’re supposed to get an early spring, so does that mean 2 more weeks of winter? 4 more weeks of winter would put us into March already. I don’t think the lore is quite thought out on this holiday.

Also, instead of being afraid of his own shadow, wouldn’t the groundhog be afraid of all the flashing lights and paparazzi waiting outside as he stumbles out of his home? How does he know to come out on February 2nd anyways? Does someone buy him a calendar every year?