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Tag Archives: halloween

Oops, it’s now well into November and I just remembered that I didn’t post a recap for October! Well here’s my recollection (which to be honest isn’t much different than trying to remember what we did in the month during the last week of the month).

I felt that this October was cold and the kids were in a flux of trying to wear their fall jackets, but layering a sweater under. Eventually halfway through the month, I gave up and just brought out their winter jackets. Luckily, the one weekend/day that we had to spend some time outside was decently warm – I’m talking about Hallowe’en of course. They were able to wear a sweater under their costumes and run around!

This year, we didn’t go to as many Hallowe’en events as before. Apollo was a lion (again) and Superman and Jovian was Elmo and a snowman. They both had a couple of other costumes which they didn’t get a chance to wear. Apollo is at an age where he enjoys Hallowe’en, but Jovian is scared of all things (skeletons, Frankenstein, spiders, witches, etc)

While looking around for Hallowe’en stuff in early October, I noticed they already had Christmas stuff in the stores! That’s pretty early – I wish we could be all prepared for Christmas already, but that’s still 2 months away.